Incidentally, the Mac has no idea what sizes and shapes your window may assume in its lifetime. As you can see in Figure 1-15, low-contrast or light-background photos work best for legibility. When you click Select, you see that Mac OS X has superimposed the window’s icons on the photo.

Now choose a graphics file-one of Apple’s in the Desktop Pictures folder, or one of your own. Click it to open the Select a Picture dialog box, already open to your Library→Desktop Pictures folder. Picture. If you choose this option, a Select button appears. If you choose a dark one-like black-you won’t be able to make out the lettering of the icons’ names.) (Unless it’s April Fool’s Day, pick a light color.

Click it to open the Color Picker ( Uninstalling Software), which you can use to choose a new background color for the window.

Color. When you click this button, you see a small rectangular button beside the word Color.